If you are reading this article, congratulations! That means you have finally decided to relocate and take a leap of faith into the unknown. But, while the future is rather promising, there is one thing to do before you can start living it up – you need to inform people of your change of address. Well, of course, you have to hire the best movers and packers NJ and get everything in order with them first. Other than that, making a list of the people and organizations to inform that you’re moving is one of the most important tasks in the approaching period. Making a list and actually following it through, of course!
Your loved ones should be the first ones to inform that you’re moving
It’s quite obvious, and yet plenty of people forget it. It goes without saying that your immediate family will already be aware of your change of residence. But, what about your distant relatives? Or your good friends? Also, your neighbors. We are sure they would all be interested to know about your whereabouts. So, as much as you don’t like to chat all night, make sure you do it and inform all the important people about your approaching relocation. Then you can proceed to other organizations.Obviously, you’ll want to notify your employer
If you are still keeping your old job, it means that you will be in the driving distance to your place of work. And that means that your move will be a local one. You would probably feel like there is no reason to inform your boss. It’s not like you two are best friends who visit each other frequently. Plus, you get your payments deposited into your bank account, so there is no reason for him/her to know where your humble abode is. But, you should still inform your employer that you’re moving. Any type of emergency could come up, and they should know where and how to reach you.Inform the utility companies that you are moving
Pretty much any service provider should be informed about your upcoming relocation. Not only do you have to transfer the utilities to the new address, but you also have to make sure you stop paying them at the old one. The worst case scenario would be to arrive in a dark house with no heat and no Internet. Not only would you be bored and cold, but the experts you hired with professional packing services NJ would also not be able to do their job. To get you started, we will list a few utilities everyone uses. Feel free to expand the list once taking a look into your situation!- Electricity and gas
- Phone, cable, and Internet
- Water Department
- Garbage company
- Sewer utility company