Moving an entire office, especially a big one, is a huge task. There are so many things to be moved. And so many people who will at best be slightly irritated by the move. Office relocation can last much longer than a residential relocation. And setting everything up again can take even more time. So, as soon as you realize that you will be moving, you need to start to think about how to prevent losses when moving offices. Both physical loses in the form of office equipment as well as productivity and efficiency. Here are a few ways in which you can prevent and minimize the losses during your next office relocation.
The types of losses you need to prevent when moving offices
The more you think about the losses that can occur during your office relocation, the more they become obvious. There are so many potential ways in which you can suffer some sort of loss during relocation. And that makes it very hard to prevent losses when moving offices. But, with a good head-start and enough time, you can plan your move so you minimize them. But first, you need to know what types of losses are.
If you do everything on time, plan ahead you will be able to prevent losses when moving offices
Prevent losses of office equipment when moving offices
The first and most obvious type is the loss of office equipment. This is especially obvious when moving to large offices with many different tools and equipment. Even with the best moving checklist, you can still end up forgetting or losing some pieces of equipment. And while all equipment is replaceable, it can hinder your productivity. A simply lost stapler can cause one of your employees to drop their work and go search for a new one. And that has a big impact on productivity.
Losses in productivity
Productivity is something that will most likely take the strongest hit when moving offices. First, you will be closed for business until the move is complete. Even with the best office movers NJ that can take at least a full day. And second, setting everything up again can take a long time. During that time, your employees will be much less productive. And much less effective. So, you need to think hard about how to prevent losses when moving offices. Even after you’ve established your new office space, productivity will not return to normal for at least a few days.
Losses in customers
While this is heavily dependent on the type of work you do, there’s a chance that you will suffer loss in customers. At least new ones. Since both your old and new office space won’t be fully operational you won’t be able to receive new customers. And the ones that you already have will have a hard time dealing with the fact that there’s a mess in your office.
Best ways to prevent losses when moving offices
There are many things that you can do to prevent losses when moving offices. First, and most important is to prepare. The sooner you start with the preparation the better it will be for your business. The main goal is to lower the amount of time necessary to relocate an office. And do it in a way that keeps track of all your equipment. So, make sure you hire professional movers NJ. Movers who understand your problems. And who will go to all lengths to help you speed things up?
You need to think of various ways to track your moving to avoid losses
Work only with professionals
When choosing a moving company that will help you speed things up and prevent losses when moving offices, it’s important to only work with professionals. So, make sure to find only reputable commercial movers NJ. And talk to them about the length of your move. And if there is anything that they can do to speed things up. Sometimes paying a little bit extra for additional services can shave days off your office relocation. And make the whole experience easier both for you and your employees.
Consider hiring packing services
As we already said, losses of office equipment can hinder productivity and make the whole experience unpleasant. So, in order to minimize the risk of that happening consider hiring packing and unpacking services. When you have professionals dealing only with packing and unpacking your belongings, things go much smoother. They are experienced and are less likely to forget to pack something. And they keep good track of all your office items.
Think about hiring professional packers to speed up the process of office relocation
Move in stages to prevent losses when moving offices
One of the great ways to prevent losses when moving offices is to move in stages. That way, at least a part of your team will always be ready to serve customers. And complete ongoing projects. Once you move and set up one part of your office you can proceed to the next one. The most important thing here is to keep track of the needs of employees who are being moved. That team might need a copier. Or a network printer. So make sure you move all the equipment necessary for their work.
Keep track of the relocation using spreadsheets
Using spreadsheets in an office environment has become second nature to most people. You can also use that knowledge and experience to plan your relocation. And prevent losses when moving offices. First, start by making a detailed plan for your relocation. Schedule relocation time for each team. Write down which equipment each team needs. And keep track of it. There are many online tools that you can use for this. And share the entire spreadsheet with the whole office. It will boost productivity since people will know when to expect to be moved.
A spreadsheet can be of great help!
Back everything up to prevent losses when moving offices
Most of our paperwork has moved to digital format. And it mostly resides on our computers. But, they are very fragile, especially when moved. So, to prevent the loss of data during a relocation make sure you back everything up. You can back it up online or simply make another physical copy. That way, if one hard drive fails, you will have everything backed up and ready for restoration.