You’ve been staying at a hospital for some time and you’re now well enough to be discharged. Well, that’s great news! However, you are now facing another problem. You need to know how to move back to your home easily and without a hitch. Luckily, you have our helpful guide and professional movers to help you out. No matter if you’re living in Edgewater, New Jersey, in which case you will need some assistance from
movers Edgewater NJ, or in Arlington Heights, Los Angeles, or perhaps in Hegewisch, Chicago, the principle is the same – moving between hospital and home will be much easier with some help from the professionals. But, that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Here’s everything you need to know about moving between hospital and home.
Before moving between hospital and home
Before you leave the hospital, make sure that all of your belongings are accounted for. It’s a good idea to not wait until the day of the move. Instead, you should start packing
at least one day in advance. Even if you’re well on your way toward complete recovery, packing on your own could prove to be harmful.
Don’t push yourself too much. You don’t have to pack everything in one go. Take breaks whenever you start feeling weary. In fact, take breaks – period, even if you don’t feel tired, as excessive packing could cause problems later on, even if you don’t notice any symptoms at first.
Ask at least one person to help you out. That could be a family member, a friend, or perhaps a romantic partner. As we said,
reliable professional movers can also help. Good movers have lots of experience with packing all kinds of items, no matter how fragile or large they are.
Medical office movers have plenty of expertise when it comes to packing their customers’ belongings in that kind of an environment. If they’re any good, they’ve also moved vehicles abroad, they’ve shipped pianos, pool tables, etc. To such experienced professionals, moving between hospital and home will be a breeze.
Together, we are stronger!
Keep track of your progress
After you’re home, you can relax – but perhaps not completely. Often, that will be the end of your troubles and you can forget all about the dreary hospital environment. However, sometimes you will still have to monitor your progress.
Being discharged from a hospital is sometimes only the first step toward complete recovery.
In that case, one of the first things to do upon returning home is to
schedule an appointment with your doctor. He or she will need to examine you personally in order to make sure that everything is going according to plan. He or she may also need to change your further treatment. You may need to use different medications, or the dose may be lowered. Or, perhaps, the kind and the intensity of exercises that you will need to do will be changed. Sure,
room-by-room unpacking is indeed some kind of exercise, but you may need to do exercises that are specifically aimed at helping you heal.
Keep your doctor informed after moving between hospital and home so that he/she can keep track of your progress.
Be honest with your doctor
Often, the obstacle preventing your complete recovery after moving between hospital and home is a psychological one. Namely, no one likes spending time in a hospital. Simply put, hospitals can be very unpleasant places. They may reek of illness or other smelly substances. Their design is depressing, and the decorations they may feature often only make matters worse. They’re filled with people who are certainly not in a good place in their lives. Everyone’s longing for the day when they’ll finally be moving between hospital and home. And rightfully so.
moving during a difficult time (and this is indeed such a time), you’ll want to stay home and never return to that
dark and depressing place. This, unfortunately, can make you wish to lie to your doctors if you’re progress is not going as well as it should. People will sometimes do this without thinking. Often, this is an intuitive thing to do. After all, they did discharge you, so you should be well anyway, right? Wrong!
Your doctor, in fact, will need to be aware of all the changes in your condition, good and bad. If he or she isn’t up to date, and aware of the truthful state of your physical rehabilitation, then he or she will not be able to help you. Your condition may worsen, and you’ll end up back at the hospital anyway. So, don’t let that happen, and always be completely honest with your chosen practitioner!
Your doctor is here to help you!
Have faith and don’t panic
Even if your move between hospital and home went well (as it will if you hire the right movers), you may start panicking after returning home. “I will never get well!”, “I’ll be back at the hospital in no time!”, “I’m sick of all the doctors and their appointments and medication!” These are just some of the negative thoughts that you could be having. Well, don’t!
There’s really no need to panic. The fact that you’re finally home means everything is looking well. Your health is improving by the day. If you start panicking and having such negative thoughts, on the other hand, your health could worsen as a result. It is no secret that body and mind and closely intertwined.
When you’re mentally unwell, that will often reflect on your physical health as well. Many sicknesses, in fact, are purely the consequence of one’s fragile mental state.
With our tips, you will
stay safe on moving day, and in the days after it, leading to your full recovery. However, all of your hard work (and all of our previous tips) will be rendered meaningless if you start believing that your recovery will never happen. Trust us –
you’ll be well. Have in mind that full recovery doesn’t happen overnight, regularly consult with your doctor, take your medication and/or do your exercises, and don’t forget to share everything you’ve learned, while reading this post, with anyone you know who is moving between hospital and home